We have been inspired by the song: “We are the world” – this really embodies our whole meaning & goals of being in business. We are passionately trying to give “The Greatest Gift Of All”
Simply, we are after bringing more happiness & giving into the world. There’s a lot of busyness & stress in our modern lives & we commonly forget about the small things that matter. Or all the people that aren’t as fortunate as we are. The greatest gifts keep on giving!
“So, it’s time to lend a hand!”
We are a young couple from Western Australia who are a little bit over the mass production look of many modern gifts – we are passionate about creating something a little unique & very personal. We believe the gift of personal giving is wonderful. It really does create a buzz in yourself when you give something personal. Then, of course- remember that buzz when we receive something! Personally just for me? Really?
“So let’s start giving!”
So, at Greatest Gifts – we really want to “make it a better day”- We believe in giving & the happiness it brings. So much, that we commit to Charity a portion of every one of the funds raised from these gifts available. This is why we can say the greatest gifts keep on giving!(So thank you-once again!)
“The Greatest Gift Of All!”
We have chosen to donate the portion to the RRT charity. We think they represent the “We are the world” belief also – They do some really, really great stuff. They bring a lot of help to unfortunate people, like the homeless & disabled. They also support events relating to Cancer & other terminal illnesses. Another really special thing they focus on are those that are suddenly affected by disasters – like fires, floods, avalanches, earthquakes etc. You name a recent disaster, and more than likely, the wonderful RRT would have been there bringing smiles & joy to some who have been violently made homeless, bereft, or lost everything they had. We need to keep thinking of those far worse off than we are. We need to give them some happiness.
“We’ll make a brighter day – just you & me!”
On behalf of “the world, the children” – Thank you for your support!
All the best with your selection & we look forward to seeing the happy faces it brings.
So What is RRT?
and what do they do?
Visit their website to learn about the many disasters they have helped on, their everyday occasions of helping those in need and their special events support.
We at The Greatest Gifts are excited to be giving to this great cause. Firm believers that everyone can be a giver whether it be large or small.
With your help, we hope we can make a real difference!