Calming Influence Stunning Bouquet


Calming Influence Stunning  Bouquet:

Beautiful Artificial Flower Arrangement including Silk Hydrangea, PU Real Touch Lilies and Blueberry Bunches displayed in Glass Vase. This stunning bouquet makes a bright and calm centerpiece.


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Remember, with every gift purchased, we will give a donation to RRT Charity!

Plus you will receive a token of appreciation from The Greatest Gifts 🙂

2 in stock

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Calming Influence Stunning  Bouquet:

Beautiful Artificial Flower Bouquet including Silk Hydrangea, PU Real Touch Lilies and Blueberry Bunches displayed in Glass Vase. This stunning bouquet makes a bright and calm centerpiece.

Designed for any occasion, send straight to the recipient wishing Get Well, Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas etc…