Luxurious Display Bouquet


Luxurious Display Flower Arrangement including silk soft pink Roses, silk Hydrangeas, real touch Cymbidium’s and Blueberry bunches displayed in Glass Vase.

A beautiful and luxurious flower gift!


Sending as a gift? write your own personal message below and we will write it on a handmade gift tag, along with your Selfie if you choose 🙂


Remember, with every gift purchased, we will give a donation to RRT Charity!

Plus you will receive a token of appreciation from The Greatest Gifts 🙂

2 in stock

Personal Message *

Add your personal note to go with your gift here

Upload your selfie here

(max file size 32 MB)


Luxurious Display Flowers

This beautiful Flower Arrangement includes silk soft pink Roses, silk Hydrangeas, real touch Cymbidium’s and Blueberry bunches displayed in Glass Vase.

A beautiful and luxurious  Gift of Display flowers.